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Free E-book Vascular Ultrasound

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Evaluación de la Placa Aterosclerótica Carotídea

Criterios ecográficos 2D para la caracterización de la placa.

About the Evaluación de la Placa Aterosclerótica Carotídea

Objectivo del curso

La evaluación de la placa aterosclerótica carotídea ha sido concebida para proporcionar una visión global de los principales criterios ecográficos utilizados para describir una placa aterosclerótica carotídea, detectar las placas vulnerables y estables, así como identificar a los pacientes con mayor riesgo de sufrir accidentes cerebrovasculares.

Contenido del curso

Este curso se compone de unas diapositivas con los casos prácticos comentados de estenosis de la arteria carótida interna. Incluye todos los criterios ecográficos disponibles para el análisis en 2D de las placas y los aspectos morfológicos y hemodinámicos que influyen en el riesgo de ictus. El curso contiene una galería de imágenes que muestran diferentes tipos de placas, así como una serie de vídeos que ilustran el impacto hemodinámico de las placas carotídeas de la arteria carótida interna.

Al final de este curso se adquirirán los conocimientos necesarios para describir las características ecográficas de las placas carotídeas.

How is the course structured?

The course is made of e-booklets supported by hands-on commented video cases and image case library showing different types of carotid plaques, ranging from simple homogeneous echogenic plaques to “vulnerable” plaques showing surface ulceration, plaque rupture, thrombosis and carotid occlusion. 

The content of the course is continuously implemented and updated.

What will I get at the end of this course?

At the end of this course, the ultrasound practitioner will have acquired enough knowledge on how to characterise carotid atherosclerotic plaques using ultrasound.

Learn carotid plaques ultrasound imaging assessment with ABC online courses. At the end of the course an European certificate of accreditation and 4 CME AMA PRA credits will be released to the learner after successfully passing multiple  quizzes.

Obtenga un certificado europeo

Our courses are accredited by the European accreditation council for continuing medical education to provide CME credits.


Medical e-learning is now widely used by students and healthcare professionals as:

  • it offers the possibility to learn at their own pace
    without the barriers of location
  • takes 40% to 60% lesser time for employees and students than conventional learning.

Course includes

Course length

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Who may benefit from this course?

Any healthcare professional who is approaching vascular ultrasound for the first time as well as healthcare professionals who want to improve their knowledge and skills in different areas of vascular ultrasound. Our subscribers are:

  • trainee medical doctors
  • vascular and general sonographers
  • nurses
  • as well as consultant medical doctors
  • as vascular surgeons,
  • cardiologists,
  • internists,
  • angiologists,
  • radiologists,
  • or somewhat all healthcare professionals involved in the diagnosis and management of peripheral vascular diseases.

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Carotid Atherosclerotic Plaque Assessment course review

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Why this course?

Ultrasound imaging is a safe, non-invasive first level examination used to describe features of carotid atherosclerotic plaques of the carotid arteries. Sonographic plaque characteristics are considered to be predictive of subsequent cerebral ischemic events. 

Carotid ultrasound allows to determine several traits of carotid plaques namely echogenicity, characteristics of the surface and more generally morphology. All these features provide clues to differentiate a so defined “vulnerable” from a “non-vulnerable” carotid plaque, thus helping in patients risk stratification and management. Indeed, vulnerable carotid plaques are more prone to cause cerebral embolic events regardless of degree of stenosis and a high proportion of resulting strokes are likely due to rupture or erosion of unstable plaques irrespective of the degree of stenosis.