
Stroke Awareness Month 2023

Common femoral artery occlusion and retrograde flow in the profunda femoris artery: Doppler waveforms scenario
Case study description: In this case a set of pulse wave Doppler waveforms sampled in a patient with an occluded common femoral artery are shown. The Doppler waveforms are sampled in the distal external iliac artery proximally to the occluded…
Common carotid artery partially obstructive mobile thrombus
Case study description: This video shows a B-mode longitudinal view of the left common carotid artery and its bifurcation into the ECA and ICA.Video length: 2 mins Audio: Yes, with voice-over explanation Jump to video below > This video shows a B-mode…
Occlusion of the Common Carotid Artery: Collateral Pathway
Case study description: Occlusion of the CCA Video length: 2 mins Audio: Yes, with voice-over explanation Jump to video below > Retrograde filling of the external carotid artery (ECA) supplying antegrade flow into the internal carotid artery (ICA) in the presence of…
Assessment of Carotid Arterial Plaque
Internal Carotid Artery Calcified Plaque With Acoustic Shadow: What to Do?
Case study description: Image case study — ICA and acoustic shadow Image case study: No video or audio Jump to see images below > The main objective of the supra aortic arteries ultrasound examination is to rule out the presence…
Vertebral Artery Complete Steal Syndrome (Colour Flow Doppler)
Case study description: Short video of color flow Doppler on vertebral artery complete steal syndrome Video length: 1 min Audio: No audio Jump to video below > This short video case demonstrates the colour Doppler flow appearance of a complete…
Intracranial Occlusion of the Internal Carotid Artery in a Patient With Ischaemic Stroke
Case study description: Intracranial occlusion of the ICA in a patient with Ischaemic Stroke Video length: 5:39 mins Audio: Yes, with voice-over explanation Jump to video below > This video case demonstrates the ultrasound criteria used during a carotid ultrasound…